Version - January 9th, 2023

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023

Feature Enhancements

23626 Current culture as a form variable


23564 Dashboard SQL Table Widget - Search bar and pagination alignment, pagination dropdown list overlapping text
23597 Table Extension tables creating pagination issues when not exist
23604 Empty comments not returning empty getTaskComments variable
23606 Process Instance - Tasks - View History column - Fixes
23608  Send Msgstep is not work for "all" instance type from the sub-workflow
23612 Variable Global update backward compatibility issue
23614 Update variable step - not replacing the string values in an expression
23629 Get Process user full name step - though user id is incorrect the step return value is true with null variable value
23630 Set Look Up Data value step - if the filters apply for the category, then item value is not getting updated in the categories 
23631 JSONPathGetValue step exection behavior issue b/w single and multiple path mappings
23652 Checkbox failed to run the display conditions when it is operated by lookup widget
23670 Check for the 'Definition Comments' display in the Render Workflow Definition page Failed
23685 Queue management>Manage Permissions under search roles the search field does not allow for 2 chars search.
23694 FlowWright - Validation did not detect, when no route to role after copy across project
23697 Conditional dropdowns can be edited as read-only
23700 Lookup button auto-fill doesn't update field validation
23702 FlowWright - Cannot send email CC from Multi-item dropdown
23709 FlowWright - problem when use required field in hidden subform
23728 Responsive issue of bootstrap grid controls if they resized
23732 Required markings disappear in form HTML table
23736 Can't complete first iteration if error in two iterations of same step
23741 Display control not working when changing value with "execute workflow"
23750 Dashboard (ConfigDashboard.aspx, UserDashboard.aspx) - Table column names are not vertical aligned (off by few pixels) 
23783 Wait for message step doesn't return true