Authentication Providers

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

Authentication Providers lets you define and manage any number of service providers. Use the Auto-detect functionality to auto-detect and configure the authentication providers by selecting “Utils→Auto Detect” menu item. The following UI shows the authentication providers list UI on completion. In the new version 9.10, authentication providers are displayed as a table view instead of a box view as shown below.  

Following operations can be performed using the UI:

  • Create an authentication provider
  • Edit an authentication provider
  • Remove an authentication provider
  • View the providers with validation errors
  • View the providers as a table
  • Export and Import the provider definition
  • Send request to admin for a new service provider 

Workflow instances can be launched based on incoming email messages through the use of email triggers.  The below screen displays a list of configured email triggers by default:

Create an Authentication Provider

A new authentication provider can be created by clicking the “Actions->Create” menu item. 

The following dialog is displayed for creating a provider.

Enter the following metadata for the provider: 

  • Name – Name of the provider 
  • Description – description for the provider
  • Type – type of the provider (e.g.: Windows, Forms, SAMLPost, SAMLGet etc.) 
  • Namespace – namespace for the provider 
  • Dll path – path for the dll file 

Click the “Create” button to complete the definition. Once the provider is created, a message “Authentication Provider was created” is displayed in the top right corner of the screen.  All date/times are stored within the database as UTC and displayed based on local timezone of the user. The new FlowWright application provides an UI for the user to change the timezone.

Note: Engine runtime data are in ISO + UTC format. 

Users can validate an authentication provider to see if its valid or not by clicking on the “Validate” button. If all the definitions are configured properly then a message “Validated successfully” is displayed, otherwise” Validation unsuccessful” is displayed as shown below:

Once the provider is validated, a new tile is displayed in the UI with a green tick. A tile with a red cross indicates the provider is not configured properly or invalid due to configuration issues as shown below. 

Edit an Authentication Provider

An authentication provider can be updated by selecting an existing provider from the table and by selecting the “Actions→Edit” menu item. 

The following UI will be rendered.

After updating the field values, click the “Update” button to save the changes. Click the “Validate” button to validate the changes. 

Remove Authentication Provider

An authentication provider can be removed by selecting an existing definition from the table and by selecting the “Actions→Remove” menu item. The following UI will be rendered. 

Click the “OK” button to remove the connection. 

View Providers with validation errors

Displays a list of providers that are not configured properly or invalid due to configuration issues

Export and Import Authentication Provider

An authentication provider can be exported out as XML and imported back as XML.  Select an existing provider from the table and select menu item “Export→XML” to get a file containing the XML for the provider definition.  

To import the XML for the authentication provider, select the provider from the list and click the menu item “Import→XML”, the following dialog will be displayed:

Select the XML file from the file system and click the “Import” button to update the provider definition. 

Request a new Authentication Provider

The User can request an authentication provider through the “Request item” window. 

An email will be sent to FlowWright support with the request and the user’s email id as shown below: