FlowWright provides a high-performance data access layer written from the ground up using Microsoft .Net; Microsoft .Net provides access to databases through its OLE DB technology, FlowWright's data access layer sits on top of the Microsoft technology and makes accessing data and database operations very simple for our users. What is it designed for exactly? We explain below...
Our database was designed for:
Data is data, but how you gather and access that data makes the difference. Our data access layer primarily supports Microsoft SQL Servers but also can access any OLE DB source, for example, Oracle database. Here's some example code on how to accomplish that:

What can you do with the data access layer in FlowWright that you can't elsewhere? Here's a list of operations:
Above are some of the main functions supported by our tool's data access layer. The data access framework has many additional helper methods that are very useful, such as performing transactions against the database. As you can see from the above example code, it's extremely easy to use. You are free to use FlowWright's data access layer within the FlowWright project or any other project that you have in mind.
FlowWright's data access layer has gone through a few iterations. As FlowWright's components go through transformations and revisions, we are always interested in your opinions and ideas on how to improve the data access layer or any other component within FlowWright.
Why mainly Microsoft SQL Server? Microsoft SQL Server is the database choice of FlowWright for its database, but the data access layer can connect to any OLE DB data source. Some databases might need to have OLE DB drivers to be installed. Learn more about OLE DB from Microsoft.