Database Connections

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

Using the connections section, many different types of connections can be managed.  Connections are used by many of the features within FlowWright.  One centralized place to maintain connections to databases, oAuth, and others.

Database Connections

FlowWright supports OLE DB based database connections. If OLE DB drivers are required, install them on the server.  Select the “Actions -> Create” menu item to create a new database connection.

Database connections can be created, updated, removed, and tested using the “Actions” menu:

Database details

Database tables and their structures can be viewed by selecting “Actions -> DB Details” as shown below:

Update database connection configuration

Connections.config file contains all connection string used by the UI and the engines, this configuration file can be updated from the stored connections by selecting the “Utils -> Update Configuration" menu item.