Using the deDesign API

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

Creating the deDesign object

deDesign oDesign = new deDesign(“connection string to the FlowWright database”, “exernal user name”);

Creating a new Workflow Definition

deWorkflowDefinition oDef = oDesign.createDefinition(“name of the definition”);

createDefinition method creates a deWorkflowDefinition object using the provided name of the definition.

Remove a Workflow Definition

 bool bFlag = oDesign.removeDefinition(“id of the definition”);

Get a Workflow Definition (using id of the definition) 

deWorkflowDefinition oDef = oDesign.getDefinition(id of the definition);

Gets the deWorkflowDefinition object using the id of the definition.


Get a Workflow Definition (using name of the definition)

deDefintion oDef = oDesign.getDefUsingName(name of the definition);

Get Workflow Definitions

Dictionary<string, deWorkflowDefinition> oDefs = oDesign.getDefinitions();

Gets all the definitions within the application.

Dictionary<string, deWorkflowDefinition> oDefs = oDesign.getDefinitions(“created by user id”);

Gets all definitions created by a given user inside a given tenant.

Dictionary<string, deWorkflowDefinition> oDefs = oDesign.getDefinitions(“”, “tenant ID”);

Create a Workflow User

bool bFlag = oDesign.createUser(“external user identification”, “external user full name”, “external user email”, “admin user true or false”, “ref userID”);

Creates an User object given the user information.

Get a Workflow User

deUser oUser = oDesign.getUserUsingExternalUserName(“external user full name”);

Get the deUser object using the user’s external user name

Get a list of Workflow Users

Dictionary<string, deUser> oUsers = oDesign.getUsers();

Gets a list of Workflow users into a dictionary object.

Get the current user’s Workflow user id

String sUserID = oDesign.getWorkflowUserID();

Gets the current user’s workflow user ID, this user id is maintained internally to identify the user.