Sending SMS messages using FlowWright + Twilio

Last published at: April 30th, 2021

Twilio is a widely used SMS/text service for sending messages to cell/mobile phones around the world.  For several versions now, FlowWright has supported a step that's able to send SMS to mobile phones.  It's very easy to setup and use and we show you how to get started below!

Once you sign-up with a Twilio subscription for SMS, you will get the following information from Twilio:

  • Account SID
  • Auth Token
  • Registered phone number

Once you have this information from Twilio, you can configure this information the Status->Config Settings UI as shown below:

Once configured, now you are ready to use the Twilio step on the  workflow designer.  Open a workflow definition and drag the step "send SMS" from the toolbox to the designer canvas.

Click on the step and configure its inputs/properties as shown below:

Enter the receiver's phone number and the message and the step is configured. It's really just as easy as that.  Imagine what you can build now that you can send SMS messages based on decision evaluated by the workflow?! The possibilities are endless.

Talk to us today about how to integrate your apps to workflow automation.