Version 10.3 - May 30th, 2024

List of features and fixes included in this release update

Last published at: June 26th, 2024


  • Function-based dashboard widgets
  • Dashboard widgets have been reorganized under the designer toolbox
  • Integration of context-sensitive help with Dashboard designer
  • Integration of context-sensitive help with dashboard widgets


  • Task comments can be made as required for task completion
  • Tasks can now be configured to use their full allocated time


  • My Applications under the user icon
  • Application designer now looks similar to the runtime view
  • Applications now support return URLs
  • Application item tree
  • Local vs. store applications
  • Application Store -
  • Install, remove, and update Applications from the Application Store


  • Tenant manager context-sensitive help integration

Visual Process Debugger

  • Now displays step-level errors

Expression Evaluation Engine

  • Enhanced the use of process variable and global value types


  • Report Viewer and Designer enhanced to render with current UI theme


  • Process instance task heat map
  • Process definition step heat map
  • New PDF steps
  • UI Collections - create and store a virtual filter of process instances
  • New Process step to persist process instance while executing