ETL Data Schema Designer

Use this feature to create data schemas for ETL transformations

Last published at: December 12th, 2024

Create Data Schema

Select the Actions - Create menu option to initiate. 


A popup window is displayed for configuration. Provide a new name for the data schema. Select the checkbox for the designer canvas. Click the Create button to confirm. 


The data schema requires more user inputs to complete. Select the CSV file type from the drop-down list. Select the CSV input file from the local folder. Click the Upload File button to confirm.   


The file upload will overwrite the existing schema design. Click OK to continue. 


The data schema file is loaded to the application server, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner, as below. 


The field names, data type, and format require configuration. Click the Add New Field button to insert an empty row. Provide the field name (column title). Select the data type from the drop-down list (string, integer, double, decimal, datetime, time, and boolean). Provide the format for representation. Repeat the field additions to include all/necessary columns. Click the Save Design button to confirm.  A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner. The data schema will now be available for use. 


Design Data Schema

This function is used to modify an existing schema.  

Select the schema from the table list on the ETL Data Schema page and click on the Actions - Design menu option. 


The data schema is rendered on a new page. You may change the data schema by uploading a new input file, changing the field data types and formats, changing the appearance order by drag-dropping the line items, and removing unnecessary row items from the table. Click the Save Design button to confirm the changes.