You must navigate the Manage - LookUp Data page.

The UI is rendered showing a list of data items as below.

Create Lookup Data Category and Add Items.
Select Categories on the Lookup Data page and click the Actions - Create menu option.

A popup window is displayed for configuration. You must provide the Category name (the first time), text, position value, and filter text. Click on the Create button to confirm.

The new item creates the Lookup Data category, and a confirmation alert is displayed in the top right-hand corner.

To add more items to this category, select it and click on the Actions—Create menu option.

A popup window appears for confirmation. You must provide the new text, position value, and text filter. Then, click the Create button to confirm.

The new item is added to the category and a confirmation alert is displayed in the top right-end corner.

Create multiple lookup items.
Select Categories on the Lookup Data page and click the Actions - Bulk Add menu option.

A popup window is displayed for configuration. You must provide the text, value, and filter values separated by a comma (,) as below. Click the Create button to save.

The list of items is added to the selected category, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.

Sort lookup category items.
Use this feature to sort the lookup data category items.
Select the category and click the Sort By - Value menu option as below.

The lookup data items are sorted by value, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.

Rename lookup categories.
You can use this feature to rename the lookup categories.
Select the category and right-click to Rename using view the context-sensitive menu.
The text changes happen inline, and press the Enter key to confirm.
Remove lookup categories.
You can use this feature to remove the lookup category and its items permanently.
Select the category and right-click to Remove using view the context-sensitive menu.

Click OK to confirm.

The lookup category and its items are removed, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.

Export lookup category items.
You can use this feature to export the lookup category items in XML or SQL file format.
Select the category and click the Export—XML menu option. The XML file is generated and downloaded to the local folder. Using the Import function, you can upload it to the target FlowWright environment.

Select the category and click the Export—SQL menu option. The SQL file is generated and downloaded to the local folder. You may execute the SQL command in the target FlowWright database environment.

The SQL content of the lookup data category is included here for reference.

Import lookup category items.
You can use this feature to import the lookup category items in XML file format.
Select the category and click the Import—XML menu option. The XML file is imported from the local folder. Using the Import function, you can overwrite the changes to the lookup data category.
Choose the XML file and click the Update button.
The lookup data category is updated, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.