The menu builder lets you inject a custom menu into FlowWright’s existing menu. Use it to build a menu structure that includes sub-menus with access levels. Menus will be shown based on the configured position.
You must navigate the Manage - Menu Builder page.

The Menu Builder UI is rendered below.

Creating a menu group.
You may right-click the menu or the items to view the context-sensitive menu. Select the Create option to add a new menu group.

A popup window appears. Provide the name. Configure the access permissions—All Users or Administrator Users. Configure the display position on the left menu page. Select the icon file for the menu item. Click the CREATE button to confirm the action.

The new menu group is created, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.

Adding menu items
A menu group can contain menu items, which can be easily added using its context menu. To create menu items, select and right-click the menu group.

A popup window appears. Provide the menu item name. Configure the access permissions for all users or administrator users. Configure the item to render the URL or Form. Select the check box to render in the new window. Provide the URL path for the item to render. Select the icon file for the menu item. Click on the CREATE button to confirm the action.

The menu item is now placed under the menu category.

Rendering within the menu.
You can just navigate to the FlowWright dashboard to access this new menu item.

Edit the menu or items.
You may edit the menu group and items for changes.
Select the menu group and right-click on Edit.

The Edit Menu group popup window displays the configuration. You can make any changes. Use the check box to hide the menu group or items when necessary. Click the Update button to confirm.

The menu group changes have been updated, and a confirmation message has been displayed in the top right-end corner.

Delete menu groups or items.
You may edit the menu group and items for changes.
Select the menu group and right-click on Delete.

Click OK to confirm.

The menu group is removed, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.

Export the menu group.
You may export the menu group and items as XML or SQL files.
Select the menu group and click the Export - XML menu option. The XML file is generated and downloaded to the local folder.

Select the menu group and click the Export - SQL menu option. The SQL file is generated and downloaded to the local folder.

The SQL content is reproduced here for you to look over. To create a similar menu group and items, you may execute this SQL command in the target FlowWright environment.

Import the menu group.
You may import the menu group and items as XML files.
Select the menu group XML file from the local folder and click the Import button.
The menu group and items are imported and overwritten in a similar structure. A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.