
Learn about the different features available for globalization resource

Last published at: February 2nd, 2025

Use this feature to manage the globalization resources

You'll need to navigate to the Administration - Globalization page. 


The Manage Globalization page is rendered on the new page. The “Local” resources are displayed in the list, and selecting any one of them displays its resource items as Name and Value pairs, as shown below. 


Create a globalization resource.

Users can create new resource items for a globalization resource. 

Select a resource item from the list and click the Actions - Create menu option. 


A popup window is displayed for configuration. You must provide the resource name and value and click the Create button. 


The new item is added to the globalization resource, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.  



Edit globalization resource

Allows modification of the name and value properties for a globalization resource. 

Select a resource item from the list and select the resource name from the items. Click the Actions - Edit menu option. 


The Update Resource popup window appears. To modify it, you may change the resource name and value fields and click the Update button. 


The modifications are saved, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner. 


Copy globalization resource

Allows copying of the resource group and items to another culture. 

Select a resource group from the list and click the Actions - Copy menu option. 


A popup window is displayed for configuration. You must select the target culture from the drop-down list here.  


The resource group is copied to the target culture (without globalization), and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner. 


Select the target culture from the drop-down list and navigate to the resource group. You observe the resource group and its items available here for use.  



Remove resource names and values.

Allows deleting the resource name, group, or culture from a globalization resource. 

Select a resource group from the list and the name from the table. Click the Actions - Remove menu option. You may remove the resource item, group, or culture for a globalization resource. 


A popup window is displayed for confirmation. Click OK to confirm. 


The selected item is removed from the globalization resource, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner. 


Note: The resource group and culture items can be removed permanently. 


Clear Globalization Cache

Click on the “Actions -> Clear Globalization Cache” menu item. This removes the existing globalization references from the cache. Use this feature when changes to globalization resources (e.g., resource items, resource groups, steps or step categories, form widgets or widget categories, dashboard widgets or widget categories) are not reflected. 



Export Resource Group and/or Culture

Use this feature to export the resource group as an XML or SQL file. 

Select the resource group from the list and click the Export - Resource Group - XML or SQL menu option. The file is exported and downloaded to the local folder. 


Use this feature to export the Culture as an XML or SQL file. 

Select the resource group from the list and click the Export - Culture - XML or SQL menu option. The file is exported and downloaded to the local folder. 



Import Resource Group

Use this feature to import the resource group as an XML file. 

Select the resource group from the local folder and click the Import - Resource Group menu option. The file is imported and configured in the Globalization list. 


Set default provider for translation

Use this feature to set a default translation provider. 

On the Manage Globalization page, select the Translate - Set Default Provider menu option. 


You may choose between Azure or Google options and confirm. 


The default translate choice is set, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.