Version - June 27th, 2022

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023

Feature Enhancements


QueryToFile case sensitive column headers


21308 GetFileAttachmentStep - fileAttachmentsFileName - getting incorrect file names
21310 Preview icon within the dashboard UI widget is not displaying preview page
21313 Process definition- subworkflow definition is not listing ,After Copying definition with subworkflow to different project in Cutover
21340 Select widget not saving data

EditGridData widget issues - 23Jun2022

  • unable to save the record when optional columns are blank (both US-English & FINNISH)
  • date picker says "invalid date" when culture is in FINNISH
  • unable to save the record when decimals values are provided in FINNISH
21353 Grid type subform conditions break in task


Some SQL select values are not saving to forms in Test FD  “Pienen toimeksiannon tarjous”


Check List task-  Not allows to complete the task when user remove the items and complete.


Dashboard datatable widget search filter is not showing