Combine ETL jobs with Workflow process

Learn to use ETL with workflow process steps

Last published at: January 4th, 2025

You may use the following process steps for ETL workflows.  

  • clsExecuteETLJob - run ETL job
  • clsExecuteETLValidationJob - run ETL validation job
  • clsGetETLJobStatus - get ETL job status

In this example, let's combine a workflow with ETL jobs. You may also drag and drop the process definition XML from the GitHub link provided at the bottom of this page. 

Navigate to the Process—Definition page. Click the Actions—Create menu option. Provide a new name for the definition, and click Create, as below. 


You must drag and connect the workflow steps (clsExecuteETLValidationJob, placeHolders) as below. 


Double-click the clsExecuteETLValidationJob step to configure the “Required” properties. Provide a step name. Select the ETL definition (existing) from the drop-down list. Click the Save button. 


Double-click the clsExecuteETLValidationJob step to configure the “Optional” properties. Provide a variable/global reference to store the ETL Instance ID during execution. 


Select the connection line to configure the properties as below. You may choose different line colors to aid quick understanding during design. 


Click on the Actions - Create Instance menu option. Provide the Instance Name and click the Generate button. The new process instance is generated and executed. Click the link to render the Instance in the new page.  


You can also take a look at the YouTube video included here. 



Definition Sample:

You may download the sample definition(s) from the link here and later import it (drag-drop) to your FlowWright ETL Process Definition (XML file) page.

NOTE: Please verify and complete the process steps for any missing configurations, such as file path references and database connections after import. Then, save the definition to confirm the changes.

Click here to download the sample file.