Form Variables

Understand how to use form variables

Last published at: January 8th, 2025

You can watch the YouTube video here if you'd like.



Using Form Variables, you can access forms and their field values in the process workflow. 

Consider an application form designed to accept "leave from work" requests like the sample shown below. 


You must generate and execute a new form instance to submit the forms.


Once the form values are available in the form instance, the next step is to define a process workflow and access it through form variables. The decision step does an evaluation using the form variable values. 


Once the form values are available in the form instance, the next step is to define a process workflow and access it through form variables. A decision step evaluates the form variable values to show the feasibility.

To add the form schema and define form variables, navigate to the Action—Manage Form Variables menu option, as shown below. 


Select the Form (Schema) Definition from the dropdown list. Add a form variable and click on the Add button to confirm. Repeat the steps below to define the required number of form variables. 


Select the variable from the list to view the form schema, as shown below.


Once Form variables are defined, they should be accessible within the properties of any workflow step. The following keyboard shortcut, Alt + F, should display a defined form list, similar to variables and globals. The other way to access it is to provide a type-ahead on any control; the type-ahead will start with the keyword cDevForm.


In the above reference, the cDevForm. The syntax should display a list of form variables, and one should be selected to be used in the workflow step, as shown below.