evalDecisionTable Step

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023


Use decision table in the workflow.    


  • decisionID – select decision table
  • variableMapping – Mapping of variables/globals to inputs and outputs
  • returnMultipleOutputs – Return all valid matches 


  • Matched – Step executed successfully, and input conditions matched
  • NoMatch –Step failed, or Mapped inputs are not matched with the given input conditions


To use this step, we must configure decision table using FlowWright decision configuration


Let’s build and execute the evaldecisiontableDefexample.                        

  • Create a new definition called “evaldecisiontableDef”
  • Select the definition and click the “design” button
  • Drag a evaldecisiontable step to the canvas
  • Connect the dots between the start and evaldecisiontable step

  • Click on the “evaldecisiontable” step to configure its properties
  • Configure the following values for the properties as shown on the below graphic

  • Click on Mapping of variable/Globals to inputs and outputs and enter the details. The Decision table shall use only input field columns provided when evaluating expressions.

  • Save the process definition, create a new process instance and execute. The step should evaluate the decision table and return the results.

After Execution:

  • Render process instance and click on a step to drill down the properties page

  • Check execution information if  “step Return value” is “Matched” then its click on Matched to redirect render decision table 

  • Matched Row is highlighted