Code Less and Use WYSIWYG UIs More

Learn to use FlowWright pages within your application

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

There's no platform that offers an entirely "no code" solution (if someone does offer, I would be very careful).  Even though "no code" is possible, low code is more realistic. FlowWright is built with "low code" in mind and thus certain parts of most can be reused within your application.  Here's how its done:

  • Workflow designer is an  Asp .net server control
  • UI pages and the designer can be skinned to make it look like your application
  • All UI pages can be used without the menu and top header

So, How does this happen?

If you want to use any FlowWright page within your application, just pass the following in the URL:


The normal task page would like as follows:

After passing the below parameter through the URL the UI would look as follows:


This works with any of the FlowWright UI pages.  This makes most of our UI pages reusable within other applications-how cool and helpful is that?  If you do need to code, you can always write easily against the .Net API or the REST API.