Custom step validation in FlowWright

Learn about custom step validation

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

As you may know, you can build custom steps to do anything that you want them to do, and use them within workflows.  Many of our customers build custom steps to perform certain functionality within workflows, but what about the validation of these step inputs? We explain how it works here.

Custom step validation can be easily implemented within the step. First, implement the step use the interface "deIStep2".  This will let you implement a new "validate" method in your step.  Here's an example of implementing the "validate" method looks like:

The above method offers a validation context and a hash table containing a list of inputs and their values.  As you can see from the code, the validation code will check if there are values for "routeTo" and "routeToRoles" inputs to ensure these have values. Once all set the method returns a clsStepValidation object back from the function.

FlowWright is all about simplicity,  and as you can see from the above example we have made custom step validation extremely simple to implement.  Use custom validation to make sure what users configure on step properties are correct values.