Route tasks to users

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023


Routes a task to a selected number of users. For complex tasks, break them down into simple and manageable steps as single instruction work item. 


  • routeTo – Select users to route to 
  • routeToRoles – Select roles to route to 
  • taskDesc – Description for the task
  • taskBody – Body of the task / task description
  • routedItem – Item that is routed
  • showURL – URL to render within the task
  • emailAddressses- Email addresses to route task to
  • priority – Priority of the task
  • daysToComplete - # of days, minutes, hours, months to complete the task by
  • expiryType – Task expire type
  • includeWeekends – Include Weekends
  • taskRoutingRules- Task routing rules types
  • taskReminder- Set task reminder to send reminder emails
  • waitForAll – Yes = all users must act on the task, No = requires only 1 user to act on the task
  • storeRouteToUsers – variable to store what users the task was routed to
  • sendEmailNotifications – Yes = email notification will be sent to each user for the task
  • fromEmail – From email address
  • emailSubject – Subject of the email message
  • emailBody – Body of the email message
  • emailFiles – Email file attachments 
  • sendExpireEmail - Send expired email notification
  • sendAckLink - Send acknowledgement link
  • approveButtonLabel--Label for approval button
  • rejectButtonLabel--Label for reject button
  • hideRejectButton--Hide reject button?
  • userCanReAssign – Yes = user can re-assign task to another active users 


  • completed – task was approved and completed
  • rejected – task was rejected
  • timeout – task timed out 



Let’s build and execute the taskDef example.          

  • Create a new definition called “taskDef
  • Select the definition and click the “design” button
  • Drag a task step to the canvas
  • Connect the dots between the start and task steps

  • Click on the “task” step to configure its properties
  • Configure the following values for the properties as shown on the below graphic
  • Click on Select the users to route to and select users. The task can be assigned to more than one user. 

  • The Task can also be assigned to user GUIDs. Enter the variable containing the reference to user's GUID. The username selection should be empty as the function is mutually exclusive.  

  • The Task can also be assigned by the application roles. Click on select roles to route to and select application role

  • Click on Task reminder to set task reminder intervals. Enable "Send Email Notification" to ON.Task reminders configured with a positive value is calculated from the task created date. The task reminder message body now supports line breaks. 

  • Task reminders configured with a negative value is calculated by reducing that duration from the task due date. 

  • Use Variable(s) references for more meaningful reminder message.
  • Click on Email body and use the existing template (you can edit existing template as well) as email body or create custom template as email body.

  • Click on Replace Link(s) or Variable(s) or Global(s) and select any reference to add more meaningful email message. 
  • Save the process definition, create a process instance and execute. The Task step should route task to users.
  • Navigate to Engage - Tasks page to view the Tasks routed to the resource. 
  • NOTE: Route Task/Form to Queue, when assigned to user from the queue, the system recomputes the task expiration date.
  • Navigate to Logging settings. The "Send Test Mail" feature is provided to send a test email with the contents configured in the email body, to the current (logged in) user. 

Learn to use Replace Links in task email body