AppendLineTofile Step

Use this step to append a line of text information to a text file.

Last published at: December 11th, 2023


This step appends a line to the file, provide a file path and the content to append.  Adds the content to the end of the file. File is created, if the file doesn’t exist.


  • inputFilePath– Path for the file (on the App Server)
  • appendText– Enter you text to be append in the file



  • True – step executed successfully
  • False – step failed to execute






Let's build and execute the “appendLineToFileDef” example.

  • Create a new definition called “appendLineToFileDef”
  • Select the definition and click the “design” button
  • Drag a "appendLineToFile" step to the canvas
  • Connect the dots between the start and "appendLineToFile" step
  • Click on the “appendlinetofile” step to configure its “Settings” properties. Provide a name to the step. Provide the text information to append. Provide the text file path. 
  • Click on the “appendlinetofile” step to configure its “Advanced” properties. Select “Yes” to append new line character. 
  • The “Logging” setting configuration is necessary for documentation and also measure the workflow progress and the percent complete. This is acheived by configuring the step state and percent fields individually as shown in the images below. Configure the “Logging” using the following properties.
  • Save the process definition, create a new process instance and execute. Render the process instance. Click on the process step to view the properties. The step should append the text to the file. Render the process instance and inspect the step variable/properties. And also, navigate to the file path and download the file to inspect the new addition.