Azure ML
FlowWright Azure ML features
- Get text from Form document
- Get Adult score details on an image
- Get brand name and confidence details of an image
- Get the image category, name, and score details of an image
- Get the foreground and background color info of an image
- Get the face, age, and gender info from an image
- Get the object property and confidence details of an image
- Get the sentiment details of an English text
- Translate the text to a selected language
- Get the text info from a receipt
FlowWright Barcode features
Box Cloud Storage Folders
- Create a Box folder
- Rename a folder in the Box
- Delete a file in the Box
- Rename a file in the Box
- Upload a file to the Box
- Download a file from the Box
- Delete a folder in the Box
Business Objects
FlowWright Business Objects
- Get a business object within the process
- Set dynamic properties for a business object
- Set properties for the business object
Database activity steps
- Delete DB records based on selected created by Users
- Executes a SQL statement or stored procedure
- Executes a SQL statement
- Gets a value from the DB and stores it in a variable
- Checks the DB rows are available
- Create XLS or CSV file from the SQL results
- Updates a values in a DB field
- Assign SQL statement results to variables
Development activity steps
- Append a line to the file
- Convert Base64 text to a decoded string
- Convert a text string into Base64 encoded string
- Get a Lookup data value
- Instantiate from file
- Set a Lookup data value
- Contains one of the strings
- Search term contains in the file
- Convert an Excel file to a CSV format
- Evaluate a Decision Table
- Generates an ID value
- Generates JSON using text
- Generates an XML from text
- Search and Replace content in a text file
- Search and Replace strings, in a variable
- Create a folder in the Dropbox
- Rename a folder in the Dropbox
- Delete a folder in the Dropbox
- Rename a file in the Dropbox
- Download a file from the Dropbox
- Upload a file to the Dropbox
- Delete a file in the Dropbox
- Route checklist task to users
- Route choice tasks to users
- Close all open tasks for the process instance
- Generate a password
- Get item detail propreties
- Get item propreties
- Reset variables back to initial values
- Set item detail propreties
- Set item properties
- Complete a selected step
- Create a Calendar event
- Create and execute a process instance
- Create an user notification
- Evaluates an expression and return True/False
- Email users
- Evaluates an C# expression and assigns the value to variable
- Evaluate multiple decisions
- Get a value from the dictionary
- Returns a Email Message Info
- Gets email template data
- Gets the value of row-column in the matrix
- Get users for roles
- Returns a node from the xml
- Get a value from using xpath expression
- Links business data items to the instance
- Executes a number of times
- Makes the instance to wait for given time period
- Executes steps in parallel
- Read application settings
- Removes the stored email message
- Remove old workflow instances
- Remove workflow instance
- Rename the process instance
- Route to queue
- Route tasks to roles
- Run Report
- Send messages to instances
- Sets a value within the dictionary
- Gets a value from the matrix
- Set workflow state
- Sets the value of an xml node
- Splits a string using a delimiter
- Workflow start step
- Stops and finishes the instance execution
- Starts a subworkflow from a step
- Waits for all paths to complete before proceding
- Route tasks to users
- Updates any # of globals
- Updates a given variable
- Route task for user selection
- Create a vCard with user info
- Make the instance sleep for a given time period
- Makes the instance wait for a given time period
- Wait for incoming messages
- Replace Word document with variables & globals
- Convert Word document to PDF
- Perform xml xsl transform
- Add custom messages to the item history
- For Loop
- Archive another form instance
- Archive another process instance
- Convert Word document to Text
- Doc Replacer
- Generate a definition audit report
- Generate an instance audit report
- Generate documents using word templates
- Generate ID value
File System
- Copy a file from one directory to another
- Create a new directory in the file system
- Writes text to text file
- Get a list of files
- Move a file from one directory to another
- Removes a directory from the file system
- Removes a file from the file system
- Rename a directory
- Writes XML to TXT file
- Writes xml to xls file
- readFile Step
- getFileURL Step
- Add file attachments to form instance
- Create the new form instance from instance
- Convert form instance HTML to PDF
- Gets all the file attachments for a form instance ID
- Get form field values
- Create the form instance
- Remove form instance and its data
- Change form instance name
- Route a form to queue
- Create Folder in FTP Serverf
- Delete File in FTP Server
- Delete folder in FTP Server
- Download File from FTP Server
- Rename File in FTP Server
- Rename folder in FTP Server
- Upload File to FTP Server
Google Drive
- Create Folder in Google Drive
- Delete File in Google Drive
- Delete Folder in Google Drive
- Download File from Google Drive
- Rename File in Google Drive
- Rename Folder in Google Drive
- Upload File to Google Drive
- Log information message to System log
- Log warning message to System log
- Log error message to System log
One Drive
- Create folder in One Drive
- Delete file in One Drive
- Delete folder in One Drive
- Download File from One Drive
- Rename file in One Drive
- Rename folder in One Drive
- Upload File to One Drive
- Create folder in SFTP server
- Delete file in SFTP server
- Delete folder in SFTP server
- Download file from SFTP server
- Rename file in SFTP server
- Rename folder in SFTP server
- Upload file to SFTP server
- Create a SharePoint document
- Create a SharePoint folder
- Delete a SharePoint document
- Delete a SharePoint folder
- Get a SharePoint document Properties
- Gets the SharePoint Http URL
- Move a SharePoint document
- Move a SharePoint folder
- Rename a SharePoint document
- Rename a SharePoint folder
- Set SharePoint document Properties
- Gets the tenant id
- Gets the tenant url
- Send Sql string to the tenant database
- Test if the tenant DB is ready
- Change user information
- Change user password
- Get a list of user emails
- Get a list of user workflow ids
- Create a new user
- Get users based on organization structure
- Get workflow user full name
- Get workflow user id
- Make user active/inactive
- Remove user
All Steps
- AbortInstance Step
- AddFormFileAttachments Step
- AppendLineTofile Step
- Base64Decode Step
- Base64Encode Step
- BoxCreateFolder Step
- BoxDeleteFile Step
- BoxDeleteFolder Step
- BoxGetFile Step
- BoxRenameFile Step
- BoxRenameFolder Step
- BoxSendFile Step
- ChangeUserPassword Step
- ChangeUserInfo Step
- CheckListTask Step
- ChoiceTask Step
- CloseOpenTasks Step
- AzureMLFormRecognizer Step
- AzureMLGetAdult Step
- AzureMLGetBrands Step
- AzureMLGetCategories Step
- AzureMLGetColors Step
- AzureMLGetFaces Step
- AzureMLGetObjects Step
- AzureMLGetSentiment Step
- AzureMLGetText Step
- AzureMLLanguageTranslator Step
- AzureMLReceiptRecognizer Step
- CreateNewTenant Step
- CreateNewUserForTenant Step
- CreateTenantFromTenant Step
- DisableTenant Step
- GeneratePassword Step
- GetDetailProperties Step
- GetLookUpData Step
- GetProperties Step
- GetTenantId Step
- GetTenantURL Step
- GetUserEmails Step
- GetUserWorkflowIds Step
- InstantiateFromFile Step
- LogError Step
- Loggly Step
- LogInfo Step
- LogWarning Step
- Microservice Step
- clsOAuthREST Step
- Ping Step
- PublishMSMQ Step
- RemoveTenant Step
- ResetVariablesToInitial Step
- SendRabbitMQMessage Step
- clsSendSQLToTenantDB Step
- ServerDiskSpaceAvailable Step
- SetAdminPassword Step
- SetDetailProperties Step
- SetLookUpData Step
- SetProperties Step
- TenantTest Step
- coinToss Step
- completeStep Step
- containsInFile Step
- Contains Step
- convertExcelToCSV Step
- copyFile Step
- createCalendarEvent Step
- createDirectory Step
- createExecuteInstance Step
- createFormInst Step
- createUserNotification Step
- createUser Step
- decision Step
- deleteDBRecordsByCreatedUser Step
- dropBoxCreateFolder Step
- dropBoxDeleteFile Step
- dropBoxDeleteFolder Step
- dropBoxGetFile Step
- dropBoxRenameFile Step
- dropBoxRenameFolder Step
- dropBoxSendFile Step
- dynamicSubworkflow Step
- eMail Step
- evalDecisionTable Step
- evalExpression Step
- evaluateDecisions Step
- excelOrTxtToXML Step
- executeJob Step
- executeSQL Step
- formPDF Step
- ftpCreateFolder Step
- ftpDeleteFile Step
- ftpDeleteFolder Step
- ftpGetFile Step
- ftpRenameFile Step
- ftpRenameFolder Step
- ftpSendFile Step
- generateBarCode Step
- generateEvent Step
- generateID Step
- generateJSON Step
- generateOutputDoc Step
- generateXML Step
- getBarCodeText Step
- getBusinessObject Step
- getCPUMemoryUtilization Step
- getDBFieldValue Step
- getDictionaryValue Step
- getEmailMsg Step
- getEmailTemplateData Step
- getFileAttachments Step
- getFiles Step
- getFormFieldValues Step
- getMatrixValue Step
- getOrgUsers Step
- getUserFullname step
- getUsersForRole Step
- getWorkflowUserid Step
- getXMLNode Step
- getXPathValue Step
- googleDriveCreateFolder Step
- googleDriveDeleteFile Step
- googleDriveDeleteFolder Step
- googleDriveGetFile Step
- googleDriveRenameFile Step
- googleDriveRenameFolder Step
- googleDriveSendFile Step
- hasDBRows Step
- instantiateForm Step
- isTestMode Step
- jsonPathGetValue Step
- linkBusinessData Step
- Loop Step
- MakeUserActiveInactive Step
- Milestone Step
- moveFile Step
- moveFormData Step
- oneDriveCreateFolder Step
- oneDriveDeleteFile Step
- oneDriveDeleteFolder Step
- oneDriveGetFile Step
- oneDriveRenameFile Step
- oneDriveRenameFolder Step
- oneDriveSendFile Step
- parallelFor - parallelForEnd Step
- placeholder Step
- queryToFile Step
- readAppSettings Step
- removeDirectory Step
- removeEmailMsg Step
- removeFile Step
- removeFormInstance Step
- removeInstances Step
- removeUser Step
- removeWorkflowInstance Step
- renameDirectory Step
- renameFile Step
- renameFormInstance Step
- renameInstance Step
- RESTCall Step
- routeForm Step
- routeFormToQueue Step
- routeToQueue Step
- runReport Step
- searchAndReplaceFile Step
- searchAndReplaceString Step
- SendAzureEventHubMessage Step
- sendAzureSBMessage Step
- sendFileToSlack Step
- sendMessages Step
- sendMessageToSlack Step
- setBODynamicProperties Step
- setBOProperties Step
- setDictionaryValue Step
- setFormFieldValues Step
- setMatrixValue Step
- setWFState Step
- setXMLNode Step
- sftpCreateFolder Step
- sftpDeleteFile Step
- sftpDeleteFolder Step
- sftpGetFile Step
- sftpRenameFile Step
- sftpRenameFolder Step
- sftpSendFile Step
- spCreateDocument Step
- spCreateFolder Step
- spDeleteDocument Step
- spDeleteFolder Step
- spGetDocProperties Step
- spGetHttpUrl Step
- splitString Step
- spMoveDocument Step
- spMoveFolder Step
- spRenameDocument Step
- spRenameFolder Step
- spSetDocProperties Step
- start Step
- stop Step
- subWorkflow Step
- synchronize Step
- Task Step
- TwilioSendCall Step
- TwilioSendGrid Step
- TwilioSendSMS Step
- updateDBFieldValue Step
- updateGlobals Step
- updateVariable Step
- updateVariablesWithSQL Step
- userSelectionTask Step
- vCardGenerator Step
- waitForComputedDateTime Step
- waitForDateTime Step
- waitForMessage Step
- wait Step
- wordDocGenerator Step
- wordDocReplacer Step
- WordToPDF Step
- XMLToTxt Step
- XmlToXls Step
- xslTransform Step
- random Step
- getTaskComments Step
- getTaskFileAttachments Step
- sendMessagesToProcess Step
- clsGenerateDBName Step
- clsGenerateTenantName Step
- clsAzureMLDescribeImage step
- clsDynamicStepBuilder Step
- clsDynamicTaskBuilder step
- clsGenerateTenantActivity Step
- clsUTCToTimeZone Step
- clsUTCToUserTimeZone Step
- getUsersFullNames Step
- clsDateTimetoUTC Step
- clsGenerateID step
- clsStoreFileInDB step
- clsLogHistoryItem Step
- setPDFFormFields Step
- RemoveFormFileAttachments Step
- clsGoogleDetectLanguage Step
- clsGoogleTranslate Step
- processDefinitionAuditReport step
- processInstanceAuditReport Step
- getFileURL Step
- readFile Step
- writeFile Step
- zipFile Step
- unzipFile Step
- readValuesFromCSVandExcel Step
- parallelFor
- generateCRMAccessToken Step
- clsArchiveProcessInstance Step
- clsArchiveFormInstance Step
- setEnvironmentVariables Step
- readEnvironmentVariables Step
- xmlCompare Step
- getDataTableHtml Step
- mergePDFFiles Step
- pdfAddTableOfContents Step
- pdfwatermarks Step
- pdfRemoveBlankPages Step
- pdfEncryptSecure Step
- pdfFlattenFile Step
- redactPDF Step
- pdfExpireFile Step
- pdfOptimizeFile Step
- pdfValidate Step
- pdfCreateFromPages Step
- persistProcessInstance Step
- simpleExpression Step
- moveFormsDefinitionToFolder Step
- moveProcessDefinitionToFolder Step
- AskOpenAI Step
- getConfigurationValues Step
- OpenAISummarizePDF Step
- evalKeywordDBDecisionTable Step
- evalDBDecisionTable Step
- fileExist Step
- folderExist Step
- validateExpressions step
- clsExecuteETLJob Step
- clsGetETLJobStatus Step
- clsExecuteETLValidationJob Step
- clsMongoCreateObjects Step
- clsMongoUpdateObjects Step
- clsMongoGetObjects Step
- clsMongoDeleteObjects Step
- clsTransformFormatDateToString Step
- clsTransformFormatNumberToString Step
- clsTransformFormatStringToNumber Step
- clsErrorCSV Step
- clsInputCSV Step
- clsInputExcel Step
- clsInputMSSQLDB Step
- clsInputXML Step
- clsOutputCSV Step
- clsOutputExcel Step
- clsOutputJSON Step
- clsOutputMSSQLDB Step
- clsOutputXML Step
- clsTransformDate Step
- clsTransformDateDifference Step
- clsTransformDateWorkingDays Step
- clsTransformExtractDatepart Step
- clsTransformFormatDate Step
- clsComputeExpression Step
- clsComputeExpressionSetValue Step
- clsTransformNumberFormats Step
- clsTransformNumberOperations Step
- clsTransformNumberRange Step
- clsTransformCase Step
- clsTransformCombineColumns Step
- clsTransformList Step
- clsTransformPadding Step
- clsTransformRemoveCharacter Step
- clsTransformReplace Step
- clsTransformReplaceText Step
- clsTransformSplitColumn Step
- clsTransformSubstring Step
- clsTransformTrim Step
- clsTransformExtractTimepart Step
- clsTransformFormatTime Step
- clsTransformTime Step
- clsTransformTimeDifference Step
- clsDuplicateColumnTransform Step
- clsFilterTransformConditions Step
- clsFilterTransformExpressions Step
- clsGroupByTransform Step
- clsMulticast Step
- clsOrderColumnsTransform Step
- clsOutputColumnsTransform Step
- clsPivotTransform Step
- clsRemoveColumnsTransform Step
- clsRemoveDuplicatesTransform Step
- clsRenameColumnTransform Step
- clsSetFieldValueTransform Step
- clsSortingTransform Step
- clsTransformUsingRegularExpression Step
- clsValidateData Step
- clsZoomMeeting Step
- clsInputJSON Step
- clsWebexMeeting step
- clsAggregateTransform Step
- ollamaAI Step
- LoopEachStep Step
- PDFSplitPages Step
- clsFormDefID Step
- clsProcessDefID Step
- encryptFiles Step
- decryptFiles Step
- wordToText Step
- AzureOpenAI Step
- clsWebReadData Step
- clsWebReadDataXPath Step
- PdfToHTML Step