routeToQueue Step

Last published at: May 17th, 2023


Route a task to a selected queue


  • selectQueue – select queue to rout the task to
  • taskDesc – task description
  • taskBody – task body
  • routedItem – routed item
  • showURL – URL to render
  • taskPriority – task priority
  • queuePriority – queue priority
  • daysToComplete – days to complete 


  • True – step executed successfully
  • False – step failed to execute 


To use this step, queue must be configured in FlowWright Application.


Let’s build and execute the RouteToQueueDef example.          

  • Create a new definition called “RouteToQueueDef
  • Select the definition and click the “design” button
  • Drag a RouteToQueue step from the toolbox
  • Connect the dots between the start and RouteToQueue step

  • Click on the “RouteToQueue” step to configure its properties
  • Configure the following values for the properties as shown on the below graphic
  • Save the process definition, create a process instance and execute. The step should route task to queues. 
  • NOTE: Route Task/Form to Queue, when assigned to user from the queue, the system recomputes the task expiration date.