Authentication within FlowWright lets you define Authentication Providers and Authentication Connections. The following authentication types are supported in this version.
- Forms Auth-Default
- Windows Auth
- API Token Auth
- Oauth Auth
- SAML 1.0 Auth
The auth connections define the relationship between the service provider and the users, including identity providers, databases, or password-less authentication methods. Authentication Connections lets you define and manage user-configured connections for a selected service provider. Authentication Providers lets you define and manage the service provider types supported above.
Login UI Auth Connections
Select the Administration - Authentication - Login UI Auth Connections menu option as below.
Select the authentication connections from the drop-down list by marking their checkbox.
The authentication connections are now enabled for use.
Login to the FlowWright application to use the new UI Auth Connectors, as shown below.
Select the authentication connections from the drop-down list and un-mark their checkbox, as shown below. A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.
Authentication Providers lets you define and manage the service provider types supported above.
NOTE: The application directly shows the log-in screen when only one Auth Provider is configured.