You can navigate to the Administration - Dashboard Widgets menu option.

The Dashboard Widgets UI is rendered as below. The widgets are grouped and listed as a table showing display name, description, and validation status columns. Use the Search box to filter the list.

Export a Dashboard widget.
This feature allows the Admin user to import and export the dashboard widgets as XML files between FlowWright environments.
Select a dashboard widget from the list and click the Export - XML menu option.

The dashboard widget is exported and downloaded to the local folder as an XML file.
The XML file content is included here for reference.

Select a dashboard widget from the list and click the Export - SQL menu option.

The dashboard widget is exported and downloaded to the local folder as SQL file.
The SQL file content is included here for reference.
Import a Dashboard Widget.
Use this feature to import the XML dashboard widget from another FlowWright environment.
Select a dashboard widget from the list and click the Import - XML menu option.

Choose the XML file from the local folder and click the Import button to confirm.

This action overwrites the dashboard widget configuration. A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.