This function provides an execution view of the ETL instance, a serialized execution of the ETL steps rendered as a sequential diagram.
On the ETL Instance page, select the list item from the table and click on the View - Render menu option.
The ETL Instance Execution view is shown below. The checkbox (when enabled) renders the changes in the instance image automatically. Use the drop-down function to select the ETL steps to be excluded and click the Generate Image button to summarize the instance execution image. Use the search text bar to locate the ETL step in the execution view.
All dates/times are stored within the database as UTC and displayed based on the user's local timezone.
Note: Engine runtime data are in ISO + UTC format.
View ETL instance
This function renders the ETL instance on the new page.
On the Render instance page, select the View—View Instance menu option. The ETL instance execution path relative to the workflow design is rendered below.
Export - XML
This function exports the ETL instance as an XML file.
On the Render instance page, select the Export—XML menu option. The XML file is generated and downloaded to the local folder.
Items - Variables
This function renders the list of variables and their values.
On the Render instance page, select the Items—Variables menu option.
The variables and their values are displayed in a popup window for you to refer to as below.
Items - Globals
This function renders the list of globals and their values.
On the Render instance page, select the Items—Globals menu option.
The globals and their values are displayed in a popup window for you to refer to below.
Items - Engine Alerts
This function displays the engine alerts logged by the ETL steps during the execution.
On the Render Instance page, select the Items—Engine Alerts menu option.
The Engine Alerts information is displayed below.