Captcha Widget

Use this captcha widget on Forms to prevent automated submissions.

Last published at: June 4th, 2024


A captcha widget can be used to ensure that a given Form is filled out and submitted by a human and not automatically filled out and submitted by an automated system.


  • ID/Name - Name of widget generated by FlowWright 






Let’s build and execute the “CaptchaDef” example.  

  • Create a new form definition called “CaptchaDef.” 
  • Select the Open Designer checkbox and click the “Create” button
  • Drag a “Captcha” widget to the canvas
  • Double-click on the widget to view the input/properties. The popup window will appear as shown in the below graphic. The widget name is auto-populated by the application and cannot be changed. 


  • Navigate to the UI menu and Preview the form. The rendered widget will appear as shown in the graphic below


  • Save the change. Navigate to Run - Form Instances - Create and edit a form instance for the above form definition. 
  • The form is displayed to the user with the captcha, and human participation is required to submit the form successfully.