Import form definition HTML
This function imports a form definition as an HTML file and overwrites the selected Form.
On the Form Definition page, select the form from the list and click on the Import—HTML menu option.

The Import HTML popup window appears for configuration. Choose the HTML file from the local folder. Click the Update HTML button to confirm. The file is imported and overwrites the selected form. A confirmation message is displayed at the top right-end corner.

Export Form definition as XML / HTML
This function exports the selected form definition as an XML/HTML file. When used with the import function, the form definition can be moved between DEV and QA FlowWright environments.
Select the Form from the list on the Form Definition page and click on the Export - XML/HTML menu option. The file is downloaded to the local folder.

Export Form definition as ZIP
This function exports the selected form definition (and its sub-forms within) as a ZIP file. The form definition can be moved between DEV and QA FlowWright environments when used with the import function.
Select the Form from the list on the Form Definition page and click on the Export - ZIP menu option. The file is downloaded to the local folder.

Import Form definition as ZIP
This function imports a form definition as a ZIP file and overwrites the selected Form and sub-form references.
On the Form Definitions page, drag and drop the Form ZIP file from the local folder using the Windows File Explorer page by the side. The application extracts all the Forms and Sub-Forms and overwrites any form definitions by the same name.
Export Form definition as SQL Insert file
This function exports a form definition as an SQL Insert file and downloads the file to the local folder.
Select the Form from the list on the Form Definition page and click on the Export - SQL menu option. The file is downloaded to the local folder.

The SQL file is text content, as shown below. Users can execute the file using a Microsoft SQL Server Mgmt—studio tool.

Export Form definition as schema file
This function exports a form definition as an XML schema file and downloads the file to the local folder.
Select the Form from the list on the Form Definition page and click on the Export - Schema menu option. The file is downloaded to the local folder.

The schema file content below helps verify a large form with fields with fields that are similar to the data type.