Actions on log-files

Understand different action features for log files

Last published at: January 31st, 2025

The FlowWright application provides features to export the log files, import the log files, clear all or select log information, and request the FlowWright Support team by emailing the log files for any issues. 

You'll have to navigate to the Status - Logs page to view the System Log. 


The System Log UI is rendered below. 


Export system log. 

Select the Export menu and click the menu options to export the log information in any of the file formats. The log file is generated and downloaded to the local folder.  


The downloaded XML format is included here for reference. 


Import system log. 

Select the Import menu to import the XML log file from the local folder. You can do that to review the system log entries from another FlowWright environment. Before you do that, we suggest you export all system log entries from the current FlowWright environment as a backup.  


Choose the XML log file from the local folder and click the Import button. The system log entries are imported and merged with the current log entries. A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner. 


Clear system log.

You need to navigate the Clear menu to remove all or some log entries.  


Click OK to confirm. 


The system log entry is cleared, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner. 


Send selected/all log entries to support.

You must navigate the Send To Support menu to send all or select log entries.  

Allows the user to send the selected error log entries or the whole error log to FlowWright support.


Click OK to confirm. 


The system log entry is emailed to the FlowWright Support team. You must raise a support ticket and describe your concern about doing so.