The FlowWright product includes a system log that manages errors and information messages logged by the application. The log can be reviewed by occurrence date or source.
You'll have to navigate to the Status - Logs page to view the System Log.

The System Log page is rendered as below.

Select the System Log menu to navigate to the Audit Log, Data Access Log, Engine Log, Security Log, ETL Log, and MicroService Call Log

View the log table by default, and list the last 10 items sorted by the CreatedOn date column. Select the drop-down to view the list with options. The total number of log items is shown above the Search feature.

The UI below defines the 10 log items selected as all Info. The total number of log items selected is a count of all Errors, Warnings, and information items.

A detailed stack trace of the message will be displayed by clicking log messages.

View the system log table by the last 10, 20, 50, 100, Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Source, Priority, and Type options.

View system log table by Source - AppBuilderController, Applications Controller, AdministratorController, dbConnectionManagement, deEventServiceBus, deRunTime, ESB, FlowWrightEngineSteps, FormDefinitionController, formSteps, FTP, FWEngine, FWGlobalization, FWProcessDesign, FWProcessInstance, FWRabbitMQTrigger, LoginUI, ProcessDefinitionController, runReport, SFTP, wordToPDF options.

View the system log table by Priority - High, Medium, and Low options.

View the system log table by Typing Error, Warning, and Info options.

Export the System log table using XML, XLS, PDF, and SQL options. The file is downloaded to the local system download folder.

Import the system log table using the XML option.

Clear the system log table using the options Today, All, and Selected.

Send the System log table to the FlowWright Support team by selecting Selected or All options.

Confirm the action to send the system log table to the FlowWright Support team.

Once the log file is sent successfully, an alert notification is displayed.