The FlowWright product includes an Engine Log to record all events related to errors, starts, stops, maintenance, and internal operations of core services, such as Process, Archival, Trigger, Statistics, and Email. This log can be configured to review information by occurrence date or source.
As FlowWright admin, navigate to the Status - Log page.

Select the System Log menu to navigate to Audit Log, Data Access Log, Engine Log, Security Log, and ETL Log.

The Engine Log UI is rendered below.

View the engine log table by the last 10, 20, 50, and 100. Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, and Service and Type options.

View engine log table by Service - FlowWright Archival Engine, FlowWright Data Bridge Engine, FlowWright Email Engine, FlowWright ESB Engine, FlowWright ESB Engine, FlowWright Process Engine, FlowWright Statistics Engine and FlowWright Trigger Engine options.

View the engine log table by Typing Error, Warning, and Information options.

Export the engine log table using XML, XLS, PDF, and SQL options. The file is downloaded to the local system download folder.

Clear the engine log table by options - Today, All, and Selected.

Send the engine log table to the FlowWright Support team by selecting Selected or All options.

Confirm the action to send the engine log table to the FlowWright Support team. Once the log file is sent successfully, an alert notification is displayed.