The FlowWright product includes a Security Log to manage all invalid password login attempts. Also records all events when external resources access FlowWright services. This log is configurable for reviewing information by occurrence date or source.
As FlowWright admin, navigate to the Status - Log page.

Select the System Log menu to navigate to Audit Log, Data Access Log, Security Log, ETL Log, and Microservice Call Log.

The Security Log UI is rendered below.

A detailed stack trace of the message will be displayed by clicking on any of the log messages.

View the security log table by the last 10, 20, 50, 100, Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Method, and Status code options.

View the security log table by Method - Forgot Password, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, and POST options.

View the security log table by Status Code - (-1), 200, and 404 options.

Export the security log table using XML, XLS, PDF, and SQL options. The file is downloaded to the local system download folder.

Clear the security log table using the Today, All, and Selected options.

Click OK to confirm.

The selected log item is removed, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.

Send the security log table to the FlowWright Support team using Selected or All options.

Confirm the action to send the security log table to the FlowWright Support team.

Click OK to confirm.

Once the log file is sent successfully, an alert notification is displayed.