This function lets you export and import dashboard definitions between FlowWright environments.
Export dashboard as XML.
This function lets you export the dashboard definition as an XML file.
Navigate to the Administration—Dashboard page. Select a dashboard from the list and click the Export—XML menu option. The XML is created and downloaded to the local folder. You may use the Import function to install the dashboard in the target FlowWright environment.

Export dashboard as SQL.
This function lets you export the dashboard definition as an SQL file.
Navigate to the Administration—Dashboard page. Select a dashboard from the list and click the Export—SQLmenu option. The XML is created and downloaded to the local folder. You may execute the SQL script on the target FlowWright database environment.

The SQL script content is included here for you to look over.

Import dashboard XML
This function lets you export the dashboard definition as an SQL file.
You must navigate to the Administration—Dashboard page. Select a dashboard from the list and click the Import—XML menu option.

The Import Dashboard popup window is displayed for configuration. The XML is uploaded from the local folder. You may use the Export function to download the dashboard definition as an XML or SQL File.

The dashboard definition is overwritten, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.