REST API Permissions
This function manages the FlowWright application REST API permissions for users and application roles.
Navigate to the Administration - Security - Static Folder Access - REST API permissions menu option below.
The page is rendered on the new tab with current access permissions by the Users and Application roles. The REST API is rendered as a hyperlink showing the list of APIs in a new page on click.
The list of APIs is included here for reference.
Select the “Users/Roles” filter button to configure access for specific FlowWright user groups. Alternatively, you can select the “All Users” filter button to grant access to all active users. Select multiple Users from the drop-down list. Select the Authorization by their app roles from the drop-down list. You may grant access to the specific user and/or application roles using the Users/Roles filter provided here.
Click the Save button, and a confirmation message will appear in the top right-end corner.
This function exports the REST API permissions list as a JSON file to the local folder. You may import this list in the target FlowWright environment to replicate the permissions quickly.
On the REST API Permissions page, select the Export—JSON menu option. The permissions list is generated and downloaded as a JSON file.
The JSON file content is included here for reference.
This function imports the REST API permissions list as a JSON file from the local folder. After import, the existing permissions are overwritten.
On the REST API Permissions page, select the Import—JSON menu option.
A popup window message is displayed for configuration. Select the JSON file from the local folder.
The existing permissions are overwritten, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.
Alternatively, you can select the “All Users” filter button to grant access to all active users. Click the Save button.
A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner, and REST API access is available to all active users.