All workflow performance data is exportable to the reporting software of your choice. Business intelligence reporting is a built-in feature of FlowWright. The Business intelligence reporting tab lets users view runtime and historical workflow performance data.
You'll need to navigate to the Status - Status page.
Select Utils - BI Compute menu option.
The BI Compute page is rendered below. A list of previous definitions and instances configured for the BI service is listed below each category.
BI compute settings can be configured to automatically compute report data for process definitions and instances for business intelligence reporting. Select the definition and the instance from the dropdown list. Configure the interval duration. Click the plus (+) sign to add this configuration to the table. Click the Save button to confirm the interval settings. The BI report shall be computed for this definition according to the interval.
A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner to set up the Process Definition interval.
A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner to set up the Process Instance interval.
All dates and times are stored within the database as UTC and displayed based on the user's local timezone.
Note: Engine runtime data are in ISO + UTC format.
You can just navigate to the Analytics - Business Intelligence menu option. The page is rendered in a new tab. Here, you can use the BI services and compute a future date for your business workflows. The report is shown automatically on the last computer configured above. Click the Compute Summary button to recalculate the report to the current date and time. Select the Export To Excel button to save the report for later analysis. Select the Copy as a Link button to copy the URL to the clipboard and later configure the menu item to work as a hyperlink from the left menu panel.