Delimiter Configuration

This article will provide an understanding of how to appropriately configure delimiters when working with data.

Last published at: January 30th, 2025

A delimiter is a character or sequence marking the beginning or end of a data unit. FlowWright allows the user to configure the separators between columns and rows. 

You must navigate to the Status - Status page. 


Select Settings - Process menu option. 


The Process Settings UI is rendered below. You must scroll to the bottom page to view the Delimiter Configuration section as below. The Business Object (BO) delimiters are a separate section. 

Note: The delimiter configuration changes cannot be performed without “Waiting” process instances. You must provide the row and column delimiter separators and click the Save button. Click the “Perform Replacements” button to confirm. 


The “Delimiter Configured successfully” message will be displayed. Now, click on the “Perform Replacements” button using the below UI:


The row and column are configured successfully with the new delimiters. The newly configured row and column delimiters are shown as below:

<property name="update Variables"><! [CDATA[variable.a^34@variable.b^66]]></property>

Similarly, we can also set/change the row and column separators for a business object by setting the configuration under the BO delimiter configuration section as shown below: