Send messages to instances

Use this step to send messages between workflow instances.

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

sendMessages Step


By using this step, send messages between workflow instances or within the same workflow instance. This step is used for inter process communication – IPC. Other workflows can be configured with the step “waitForMessages”; to wait for incoming messages.

NOTE: If you want to send the message to all waiting workflows, then we recommend writing a custom event handler and then send the message to that.  Using the FlowWright API, the event handler should get all waiting workflow instances and call send message on each one. 


  • selInstLevel– Select instance types; when sending messages, select where to send messages to, the options are the following:
    • Current – current workflow
    • All – all workflow instances within the hierarchy, includes all parents, children & siblings
    • Siblings – send messages to only siblings
    • Parents – send messages to all parents within the hierarchy 
    • Children – send message to all children
    • Top Most – send messages to the top most workflow instance
  • waitMessage – list of messages to send, should be a “,” separated list



  • True/False






Let’s build and execute the “sendMessagesDef” example.          

  • Create a new definition called “sendMessagesDef” 
  • Select the definition and click the “design” button
  • Drag the controls from the toolbox and connect as above
  • Save the process definition, create a process instance and execute.  The SendMessage step should publish/send messages to the process.