Stops and finishes the instance execution

Use this step to remove an existing workflow instance.

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

removeWorkflowInstance Step


This step removes the workflow instance by its instance ID, during runtime. Note: This step is to be executed only when necessary. 


  • instanceID—id of the instance



  • True – step executed successfully
  • False – step failed to execute 






Let’s build and execute the “removeWorkflowInstanceDef” example.          

  • Create a new definition called “removeWorkflowInstanceDef” 
  • Select the definition and click the “design” button
  • Drag a “removeWorkflowInstance” step from the toolbox
  • Connect the dots between the start and “removeWorkflowInstance” step
  • Navigate to Run - Process Instance page. Select any process instance and take note of the instance ID.  
  • Click on the "removeWorkflowInstance" step to configure its "Settings" properties. Provide a name to the step. Provide the workflow instance ID to be removed during runtime.  
  • Save the process definition, create a new process instance and execute. The step removes the workflow instance ID as configured. 
  • Navigate to Run - Process Instance page. Search for the workflow instance ID to notice that it has been removed.