Render process instances

Last published at: May 2nd, 2023

Render process instance execution view

The execution view of a process instance is the serialized execution of the instance rendered as a sequential execution diagram. By selecting an instance from the list and clicking the “View -> Execution” menu item will render its execution view.   

Execution view may look as follows:

All date/times are stored within the database as UTC and displayed based on local timezone of the user. 

Note: Engine runtime data are in ISO + UTC format. 

Render process instance

A process instance can be rendered graphically by selecting an Instance from the list and clicking the “Render” button.  A rendered instance will display its execution path relative to the design of the instance. 

A rendered execution may look as follows:

Select "Items - Tasks" menu option to view the task list for the instance rendered as shown below. 

The columns IsAcknowledged and AcknowledgedOn are provided and the same may be included in the view by selecting the Column list icon as shown below. 

The critical path for a process instance 

User can view the critical path of the process instance execution, based on the configuration of the process definition. The critical path displays the longest path taken by the execution of the process instance. Below is an example of a critical path display:

Click the “Render” menu item to render the process diagram. Click the “Critical Path” menu item  as shown above. The instance is configured with 2 task steps, each of which has a “N” number of minutes configured. “Critical Path” displays the longest path taken by the process instance.

Note: Critical path calculation for definition and instances are based on timezone for steps like milestone and waitForDatetime. When time zone calculation is null (datediff between getdate and getutcdate) then the calculation considers the UTC date for current date for all steps. 

Tasks in render instance

The “Task View” displays the task details of the tasks executed within the process instance.

Render process instance. 

Navigate to Items - Waiting Steps. A popup is displayed with URL links to help navigate to the specific waiting step on selection.

Navigate to Items - Error Steps. A popup is displayed with URL links to help navigate to the specific error step on selection. Note: This works only when any error steps are encountered during run time.

Users in render instance

The “Users” menu item displays the details of the users who are involved in the process instance.

User involved in process instances 

In FlowWright v9.12.x the Process Instances page displays both the instances the user has initiated and also the instances the user has completed a task for or tasks received from an instance in the new "Involved" tab. 

Logs in render instance

The “Log Messages” menu item displays the log details defined for each step within the definition.

Business data in render instance

The “Business data “ menu item displays all linked business data used within the execution.

Queues in render instance

The “Queues” menu item displays all the queues that are involved in the selected instance.

Click the “Queues” menu item, the queue details will be displayed as shown below:

The engine alert icon displays the processed engine alerts during the instance execution:

History in render instance

The history details of the executing instance are displayed when clicked on the “History” menu item:

The “Statistics -> Step” menu item displays the bar chart of all the steps used within the instance execution as shown below:

The “Statistics -> Execution” icon displays the bar chart of executed steps as shown below:

Similarly, the elapsed time for the instance is as follows:

Execution view in render instance

In FW v9.12 the execution view option can render till the selected step. Select a process instance to render and navigate to View - Execution menu option. 

Select a process step and click on Generate Image button to render the execution path from Start Step till the selected step in the workflow.  

Start-End execution in render instance

In FW v9.12 the execution instance can be rendered between any two process steps. Select a process instance to render and navigate to View - Start End execution menu option.

Select a start step and end step from the dropdown list and click on Generate Image button to render the execution path between the two selected steps in the workflow.