Workflow Expression Builder

Learn how to create workflow expressions quickly and easily.

Last published at: June 19th, 2023

This UI make it easy for users to build expressions, specially business users or non-technical users of FlowWright.  

The expression builder (C# based expressions, computed on server side code) will also display Variables/Globals based on context.  The functions/variables/globals should be able to add with double click.

Open a new process definition. Drag evaluate decision step to the canvas and connect to Start step as shown below. 

Select "evaludatedecisions" step and inspect the step properties where inputs are required as Variable/Global to store the result, as shown below. 

Click on "Alt + E" to invoke the Workflow Expression Builder as a modal window inside the box marked. Use the expression builder UI to build an expression and validate it. Copy the expression to clipboard and paste it where an input is required for workflow step property (like above). 

Parts of the user interface

1)    Expression – Placeholder to build the expression. This can be done via manual entry type or by picking an operators (7), function (8).

2)    Verify – Select this function to verify the logic of the expression. It will give you the option to enter a value to the defined input fields and simulate the expression. Example Expession: = CONCAT(“Dear, “ + variable.username + “, we’re today : “ +DAYTEXT(TODAY())

3)    Use & Close: The expression is use in the process or form control, depending on the starting point. Window gets closed.

4)    Save As – Saves the expression as a new function to re-use. Will be displayed in the functions overview (8) – Section Custom Expression

5)    Send to Clipboard : copies the expression into the clipboard, so it can be paste for later purpose.

6)    Clear Expressions: erases any definition in the expression builder

7)    Available Operators

8)    Available Functions (See below)

9)    Description and example of the function 

Functions Aggregate Table


Description: Returns the average of the given numbers
Example: AVERAGE(1,2,3) // returns 2



Description: Counts the number of numerical items.
Example: COUNT(1, 2, "a") // returns 2



Description: Returns the largest value from a set of data
Example: MAX(3,15,27) // returns 27



Description: Returns the smallest value from a set of data
Example: MIN(3,15,27) // returns 3



Description: Sums up all the given numbers
Example: SUM(2,3,8) // returns 13


Functions Numeric Table


Description: Returns the absolute value of a given number
Example: ABS(-324) = 324



Description: Round a number down to the nearest specified multiple

Example: FLOOR(36,7) // returns 35



Description: check if a numeric value is an even number.

Example: ISEVEN(7) // returns False


Description: Gets the logarithm of a number
Example: LOG (16,2) // returns 4



Description: Returns the remainder of the division of the given number in the divisor
Example:MOD(10,3) // returns 1


Description: Returns the result of integer division without the remainder
Example:MOD(10,3) // returns 3



Description: A number raised to a power
Example: POWER(2,3) // returns 8



Description: Rounds a number to a specific number of digits
Example: ROUND(14.67891, 2) // returns 14.68



Description: Always rounds a number up
Example: ROUNDUP(21.6,0) // returns 22



Description: Always rounds a number down
Example: ROUNDDOWN(1.1,0) // returns 1



Description: Positive square root of a positive number
Example:SQRT(9) // returns 3



Description: Truncate a number to a given precision

Example: TRUNC(4.9) // returns 4

TRUNC(-3.5) // returns -3

TRUNC(PI(), 3) // returns 3.141


Function Date Time Table


Description: Adds days to the given date. Returns the new date.  
Examples: ADD_DAYS("2021-04-15", 5)
FORMAT_DATE(ADD_DAYS("2021-04-15", 5) // returns 2020-04-20




Description: Returns a boolean value

TRUE - if date1 is same as date2

FALSE - if date1 is not same as date2
Example: ARE_SAME_DATE(date1, date2) // returns TRUE  




Description: Returns the quarter of a given date
Example: MONTH(variable.startdate) // returns 2 




Description: Returns an UTC date time for requested timezone OR offset value

CONVERT_TO_UTC("2021-04-15T06:00:00","-05:00") // 

returns 2021-04-15T11:00:00) 

CONVERT_TO_UTC("2021-04-15T16:00:00","Eastern Standard Time") // returns 2021-04-15T20:00:00 




Description: Returns an UTC date time based on current time zone 

CONVERT_TO_UTC("2021-04-15T06:00:00") // 

returns UTC value based on your current time zone



Description: Returns the value for the given parameters
Example: DATE(2021,4,15) // returns Wed April 15 2021 



Description: Returns the day of the month of a given date.
Example: DAY(variable.startdate) // returns 31



Description: Returns the day of the month of a given date in long format.
Example: DAY(variable.startdate) // returns Monday



Description: Returns the number of days between the two dates
Example:DAYS(variable.startdate, variable.enddate) // returns diff between dates in days



Description: Returns a formatted date
Examples: FORMAT_DATE(TODAY()) // returns "Apr 15, 2021" (using default format)
FORMAT_DATE(TODAY(), "YYYY-MM-DD") // returns "2021-04-15"
FORMAT_DATE(TODAY(), "dddd, MMMM Do YYYY") // returns Wednesday, April 15th 2021



Description: Returns the hour as a number from 0 (12:00 A.M.) to 23 (11:00 P.M.).
Example: HOUR(NOW()) // returns 23 (in case it's 23:00 - 23:59 o'clock now)



Description: Returns the difference between two hours columns
Example: HOURS_DIFF("13:00", "07:00") // returns 05:00



Description: Returns the number of working days between the two dates
Example: WORKDAYS(variable.startdate, variable.enddate) // returns working days between dates in days



Description: Returns the minute as a number from 0 to 59.
Example: MINUTE(NOW()) // returns 42 (in case it's 11:42 now)



Description: Returns the month of a given date.
Example: MONTH(variable.startdate) // returns 4



Description: Returns the month of a given date in long format.
Example: DAY(variable.startdate) // returns March



Description: Gets the current time in 24hour format
Example: NOW () // returns 11:50:14




Description: Gets the current UTC time in 24hour format
Example: UTC_NOW () // returns 11:50:14



Description: Returns the quarter of a given date.

Example: MONTH(variable.startdate) // returns 2



Description: Returns the second as a number from 0 to 59.
Example: SECOND(NOW()) // returns 1 (in case it's 11:42:01 now)



Description: Subtract days from the given date. Returns the new date.  
Examples: SUBTRACT_DAYS("2021-04-15", 5)
FORMAT_DATE(SUBTRACT_DAYS("2021-04-15", 5) // returns "2021-04-10



Description: Gets the current date
Example: TODAY() // returns 14th Wednesday April 2021.




Description: Gets the current server date in UTC Format
Example: TODAY() // returns 14th Wednesday April 2021.



Description: Returns the yearly week number of a given date.
Example: WEEKNUM(variable.startdate)// returns 17



Description: Returns the year of a given date.
Example: YEAR(global.startyear) // returns 2017


Functions String / Text


Description: This operator concatenate text values into a single text value
Example: CONCATENATE(“I”,”love”,””) // returns “”



Description: Returns a value indicating whether a specified character occurs within this string.

Example: CONTAINS("FlowWright","iBPMS", "Enterprise Business Automation Software", "Flexible","Adaptable", "Embeddable") // true if the value parameter occurs within this string; otherwise, false. 


Description: Returns a value indicating whether a specified character occurs within this string.

Example: CONTAINSLIST("1", "2", "3", "4","5","6","7","8","9","10","123") // true if the value parameter occurs within this string; otherwise, false.


Description: compares two strings and returns TRUE if both values are the same

Example: EXACT(variable.username, global.username) // returns TRUE – if the value of both variable and global are the same



Description: Extracts a given number of characters from the left side.
Example: LEFT("", 4) // returns “flow”



Description: Returns the amount of characters of a given text string.
Example: LEN("hello") // returns 5



Description: Converts a specified string to lowercase
Example: LOWER("Have a Nice Day") // returns “have a nice day”



Description: Extracts a given number of characters from the middle of a supplied text string.

Example: MID(“I Like FlowWright”, 3,4) // returns “Like”


Description: Replaces a part of a string with the new string.
Example: REPLACE("Goat",1, 2,"Fl") // returns “Flat”



Description: Repeats a string a given number of times.
Example: REPT("Flow",3) // returns “FlowFlowFlow”



Description: Extracts a number of characters from the right side of a given text string.
Example: RIGHT("FlowWright", 4) // returns “right”



Description: Searches a string within another string
Example: IF(SEARCH("love", "I love FlowWright", 1) > 0, "Exist", "Not") // returns “exist”



Description: Replace text in a given text string by matching.
Example: SUBSTITUTE("goodmorning", "morning", "night") // returns “goodnight”



Description: Formats the given value based on the given text format
Example: TEXT(9340.1,"#,##0.00€") // returns “9,340.10€”



Description: Removes all spaces from a string except for single spaces between words.
Example: TRIM(" I love FW ") // returns “I love FW”



Description: Convert a specified string to uppercase
Example: UPPER(“”) // returns “WWW.FLOWWRIGHT.COM





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