Issues To Avoid When Implementing Microservices

Learn about the issues surrounding the microservices implementation

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

Microservices can involve implementation pros and cons.  Microservices are becoming popular within organizations because there are several important advantages to implementing microservices.  

Two Primary Drivers for implementing microservices

  1. Enabling rapid, frequent, and reliable delivery of large, complex applications
  2. Enabling an organization to readily evolve its technology stack

Any organization implementing microservices may encounter implementation issues.  We will discuss here the following list of issues:

  • Security around functional execution may be impacted
  • Microservice management issues
  • Version control around microservices
  • Microservices upgrade-ability
  • Poor microservices performance 

The above items are just some of the issues that an organization may face if Microservices are not implemented correctly.  Most organizations have corporate governance standards that dictate how technology should be implemented - manageability typically being the primary corporate concern addressed therein.

Although Microservices are powerful, if not managed properly they can turn into a big problem for an IT department to manage.  For example, when web services were launched, they were available in 2 versions SOAP or REST.  Most SOAP-based, SOAP envelopes were so complex that ultimately the industry standardized on the far simpler REST-based web services format.  

FlowWright has been monitoring microservices trends since 2012, and noting where customers have implemented microservices to understand both what works very well and what considerations lead to suboptimal outcomes.   This research has led to real insight into what works and what does not.  When microservices were designed into FlowWright, the architectural decisions were based on customer feedback and experience.  It took 9 months to design and develop the perfect microservices solution for users to design and implement with FlowWright.  We spent years researching and months implementing so that FlowWright users can build, implement, and deploy microservices with confidence.

As you may have gathered by now,  the new version of FlowWright includes a massive upgrade concerning support for microservices, but it also includes a completely new user interface upgrade.