Authentication Providers lets you define and manage any number of service providers.
You must navigate the Administration—Authentication page and click the Authentication Connections—Providers menu option.

The authentication providers are listed on a new page, as shown below. The Authorization Providers are sorted by Name, including type, namespace, DLL path, and verification status columns. You may use the Search box to filter the results.

On the Authentication Provider page, click the Actions - Create menu option.

A popup window displays for configuration. Please provide an Auth Provider name, description, type (Windows, Forms, SAMLPost, SAMLGet, etc.), namespace, and DLL path, as below. Click on the Validate button to check the configuration values. A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-hand corner.

As an Admin User, you must create the Forms Authentication Connection definition in FlowWright.
On the Authentication Connections page, navigate to the Actions - Create menu option.

A popup window displays for configuration. You must provide an Auth Connection name and description, select the auth provider from the drop-down list, and enter the Auth Key. Click on the Create button to initiate the activity.

The new Auth Connection is created, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.

As an Admin User, you must create the Login UI Auth Connection, which facilitates a login interface to the FlowWright application.
On the Authentication Connections page, navigate to the Actions - Login UI Auth Connections menu option.

The Configure Login UI Authentication Connections page is rendered as below. In the drop-down list, you can select which authentication connections to include or exclude in the user interface. The table below displays a list of active Auth Connections.

Use the drop-down list and select the Login UI Auth Connections from the list by enabling their checkboxes. You may also remove the login options by unselecting their checkboxes. A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.

The Login UI Auth Connections, which facilitate the login of forms, are visible below. You may use the arrow keys to rearrange the order of position.

Login to the FlowWright application again to experience the new Login UI Auth Connections.

As an Admin User, you can navigate the above steps and deselect the checkbox option if needed.