SFTP Connections

Learn how to create and manage secure FTP connections for FlowWright.

Last published at: July 3rd, 2024

SFTP connections

The secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is a network protocol that securely accesses, transfers, and manages large files and sensitive data. Designed by the Internet Engineering Task Force as an extension of Secure Shell (SSH), SFTP enables access, transfer, and management of files over a network.

To access the Integrations—Connections page, follow these steps: Navigate to the page, click on ‘Connections,’ and select the 'SFTP' menu option, as demonstrated below. 

SFTP connections can be managed using the following user interface:


The Manage SFTP Connection page is rendered as below. 


Create SFTP Connection

On the Manage SFTP Connection page, click on the Actions - Create menu option. 


A popup window is displayed for configuration as below. Provide the connection name, sftp path, user name, and password. Use the checkbox to enable the Write permission. Click on the Test button to validate the configuration. A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner. Click on the Create button to create this connection. 


Select the connection on the Manage SFTP Connection page and click on the Actions - Test menu option. 


The SFTP connection is validated, and the confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.