Database Connections

Learn how to create and manage database connections for FlowWright.

Last published at: July 2nd, 2024

Using the connections section, many different types of connections can be managed. Connections are used by many of the features within FlowWright.  

You'll have to navigate to the Integrations - Connections page to view the following UI. 


Click on the Connections menu to view more options. This is one centralized place to maintain connections to databases, oAuth, and others.


Database Connections

FlowWright supports OLE DB-based database connections. If OLE DB drivers are required, then please install them on the server.  

On the Manage Database Connections page, select the Actions - Create menu option to create a new database connection.

Database connections can be created, updated, removed, and tested using the “Actions” menu:


The Create Connection popup window is displayed for configuration. Select the Connection String Builder as OFF. Provide the name and the connection string as below. Click on the Test button to validate the configuration. A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner. 


Click on the Create button to continue. A new database connection is created and placed in the table list. A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner. 


Select the Connection String Builder as ON to view the following UI. Provide the SQL Server Name, Database Name, User Name, and Password as below. Click on the Test button to validate the configuration. A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner. Click on the Generate button. A new database connection is created and placed in the table list. 


Database details

Use this feature to view the database tables and their table structure. The connection names are listed in the table, as shown in the UI below. 

On the Manage Database Connections page, select the DB connection from the table and click on the Utils - DB Details menu option.   


The table names belonging to the selected connection database are listed in the left pane. Click on the table to view the column names and information on the data type.  


Update Report Connection configuration

The config.file (on the application root folder) contains all connection strings used by the UI and the engines. 

On the Manage Database Connections page, select Utils - Update Report Connections to update all the stored connections in this configuration file. 


A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.