Dashboard Widget Categories

Learn about the dashboard widget categories

Last published at: May 23rd, 2024

Categories provide a categorization of widgets into different groups. By default, the widgets are displayed under the “System“ category as shown below: 


Creating a dashboard widget category.

A new widget category can be created by providing a name for the new category and clicking the “Create” button.


The Create Widget Category popup window is displayed for configuration. Provide a name and click on the Create button to confirm.  The new category is added to the list when the page is refreshed. 


Remove the dashboard widget category.

A widget category can be removed by selecting it from the list and by selecting the “Actions -> Remove” menu item. 


Categorizing dashboard widgets

Widgets can be categorized by selecting a category from the list.  Selected and unselected widgets are rendered on the right side.  By selecting widgets, they will be automatically assigned to the selected category, as shown below.


Rename widget category

Rename the widget category by selecting the Actions - Rename menu item.


For corrections, the Update Widget Category popup window is displayed. Click the Update button to confirm the changes.