Using the FWProcessDefinitionSnapshot API

Learn about the FWProcessDefinitionSnapshot API

Last published at: July 30th, 2024

Get a Snapshot

FWProcessDefinitionSnapshot oSnapShot = oDef.GetSnapShot(“snapshot id”);

Gets a specific snapshot using the snapshot ID.


Get a list of snapshots for the definition

var oList = oDef.GetSnapshots();

Gets a list of snapshots for the current definition using a Dictionary object.


Generate a graphical model.

Bool bFlag = oSnapshot.GenerateModelGraphic(ref Bitmap oImageBitmap, string imageFilesPa th, ref Point oDeltaPoint)

Generates a graphical model for the snapshot as a bitmap image.


Get snapshot properties

Hashtable oProps = oSnapshot.GetProperties(params string[] propertyNames)

Gets a list of properties for the snapshot. If property names are provided, only those properties will be retrieved.