This feature provides a UI for creating a new ETL instance, initializing the parameters if necessary, and executing the process instance in regular or test mode (on behalf of another user).
Use one of the following two ways.
The designer navigates to the left pane to generate a new process instance name and notes to uncheck the “Execute” and click the “Create” button. A new process instance is created in the background, and its status is “Not Started.” Navigate to the Run—Process Instance page to execute the process instance with parameters.
On the ETL instance page, navigate to the Actions—Create Instance menu option. Select the process definition and click the “Generate” button for the new process instance name. Uncheck the “Execute” box and click the “Create” button.
A new ETL instance is created in the background and not executed. Select the process instance and click on the Execute - With Params menu option.
The page renders in a new tab with the following UI: Use the calendar to select the future execution date and time.
The ETL instance is executed in the background with an alert notification.