FileAttachmentListLite Widget

Use this widget to display file attachments uploaded using file upload control.

Last published at: June 3rd, 2024


Displays a list of file attachments uploaded to the form using the file upload controls.


  • None






Let’s build and execute the “FileAttachmentListLiteDef” example.  

  • Create a new form definition called “FileAttachmentListLiteDef.” 
  • Select the Open Designer checkbox and click the “Create” button
  • Drag a File, FileAttachmentListLite, and Submit button widgets to the canvas
  • Double-click on the File widget to configure the “Settings” properties. Configure the max file size in MB, as shown in the below graphic. Select the check box “required” for mandatory user input. Select the check box “hide” to hide the control and “read-only” to turn off the control during run time. Select the check box “AllowMultipleFiles” for multiple file attachments.   


  • Double-click on the FileAttachmentListLite widget to configure the “Settings” properties. Select the file control from the drop-down list. 


  • Generate a new Form Instance. Navigate to the Actions menu and Edit the form instance. Choose files to upload. The rendered widget will appear as shown in the graphic below.


  • Click the red cross (x) mark to remove the file attachment. 
  • To globalize the text in the popup window, navigate to Administration - Globalization - Global - select FlowWright.Master culture. Search for resource ‘lblForm.’ Select the secondary culture. Select the master resource. Navigate to Translate - Azure/Google Translate - Resource. The resource text is now globalized to the secondary culture selected.