FileAttachmentList Widget

Use this widget to display a list of file attachments on the form on upload.

Last published at: June 4th, 2024


Displays a list of file attachments uploaded to the Form using the file upload controls.


  • CreatedOn - Select the checkbox to include created on column (tick mark)
  • CreatedBy - Select the checkbox to include created by column (tick mark)
  • Hide - Select the checkbox to Hide (tick mark)






Let’s build and execute the “FileAttachmentListDef” example.  

  • Create a new form definition called “FileAttachmentListDef.” 
  • Select the Open Designer checkbox and click the “Create” button
  • Drag a File, FileAttachmentList, and Submit button widgets to the canvas
  • Double-click on the File Widget to configure the max file size in MB as shown in the below graphic


  • Double-click on the FileAttachmentList  widget to configure the inputs as shown in the graphic below


  • Click on the Save button and Close the popup window
  • Generate a new Form Instance. Navigate to the Actions menu and Edit the form instance. Choose files to upload. The rendered widget will appear as shown in the below graphic.


  • Click the red cross (x) mark to remove the file attachment. 


  • To globalize the text in the popup window, navigate to Administration - Globalization - Global - select FlowWright.Master culture. Search for resource ‘lblForm.’ Select the secondary culture. Select the master resource. Navigate to Translate - Azure/Google Translate - Resource. The resource text is now globalized to the secondary culture selected.