Step Categories

Understand the step category administration activities

Last published at: June 29th, 2024

This function lets you group the steps by categories. 

Admin Users can navigate to the Administration—Steps menu option to access features such as step Categories, Template Steps, and Step Template Categories.


Manage step categories

Select the Step Categories menu option to manage the definition. The following UI is rendered on the same page. The step categories are arranged alphabetically in a tree order. 


Select a step category. The process steps associated with this category are displayed as “Linked to the category” with the checkbox enabled. To link more steps, select from the list “Not linked to the category” by enabling the checkbox. The steps are then moved to the linked category list automatically. To unlink a step, then link it to another category.


Create step category

On the Manage Step Categories page, navigate to the Actions - Create menu option. 


You'll have to give a new category name and click on the Create button to confirm. The new step category is created and placed in the tree by sort order. A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner. 


Rename a step category.

On the Manage Step Categories page, Select a step category from the tree. Then, navigate to the Actions - Rename menu option. 


You'll need to give the step category name a new name and click on the Update button to confirm the changes. The step category name is updated and placed in the tree by sort order. A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.  


Remove a step category.

On the Manage Step Categories page, Select a step category from the tree. Then, navigate to the Actions - Remove menu option. 


Select OK to confirm the action. The step category is removed from the tree list. A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner. 


Update Step Globalization

On the Manage Step Categories page, Select a step category from the tree. Then, navigate to the Actions - Update Globalization menu option. 


Select OK to confirm the action. 


A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.