This function allows the user to detect and re-configure/restore the steps along with their step input properties and return values.
On the Steps page, select the step and click the Actions - Remove menu option.

A popup window is displayed for confirmation. Click OK to proceed.

The process step is removed from the list, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner. NOTE: This process step is not available in the toolkit on the process designer page. Any existing workflow definitions or sleeping process instances having this step shall run into an error during run time.

On the Steps page, click the Utils - Auto Detect menu option.

The process steps which require configuration (manual) are listed below. Select the step (or all steps) and click the Manage - Configure menu option.

The process step is configured, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.

On the Steps page, you notice the process step is available.