writeFile Step

Use this step to write contents to a text file.

Last published at: February 20th, 2024


This step writes the variable contents to a TEXT file.



  • contentVariable -Variable/Global that holds the content
  • txtVarGlobalFilePath – Variable/Global that holds the output filepath



  • True – True condition
  • False – False condition



Let’s build and execute the writeTxtFileDef example.   

  • Create a new definition called “writeTxtFileDef
  • Select the definition and click the “design” button
  • Drag a ReadFile and WriteFile step from the toolbox
  • Connect the dots between the steps as shown on the above graphic 
  • Click on the “ReadFile” step to configure its properties. Provide the file path on the FlowWright server to a TXT file. Provide a variable/global to hold the file content. 

  • Click on the “WriteFile” step to configure its properties. Provide the TXT content or variable/global which holds the text content. Provide the output file path. 

  • Save the process definition, create a process instance and execute. The step should write the contents from the variable/global to the output TEXT file specified . Render the process instance which is completed to view the step properties. 

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